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Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Razzle Play~
Hi all.. Did sumthing fun 2day so decide to haf a short post.. Hmm.. 2day had a performance wif a local band called Tao Nao Pai ( Razzle Play).. They've juz released their 1st album and having their 1st live concert in our sch.. And oso actually 1 of their member is our guitarist club's alumni.. So he decided to let us help him in organising the concert and oso allow us to play as a opening band for their concert.. Had alot of fun wif them.. Frm the start of the rehearsal to the start of the concert, in the back stage and after the concert.. Their drummer's actually lucify's drummer and oso our alumni's brother.. Everytime see him play drum so fierce and cool cool 1.. But he's a damn joker.. Lolx.. Had alot of fun before, during an dafter the whole concert.. Wish I could haf a band lyk them and oso haf my album sold one day.. :D
2:58 am
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